Kamis, 29 November 2012


According to the Entertainment Software Association’s annual report (2010),
video and computer games are ubiquitous in American households—and
not just among the young. Sixty-seven percent of American households play
computer or video games. The average age of game players is thirty-four,
with 26 percent over the age of fi fty. Males outplay females, making up 60
percent of the gaming population. You can see in Figure 16.3 that the most
popular types of digital games have not changed since the 2006 data we
reported in the second edition of this book. Action and sports remain the
most popular video games, and strategy and family/children’s games capture
the greatest market share among computer games. Since 1996, there
compared to completing a traditional tutorial? If we invest in this game,
will they learn how to use spreadsheets as effectively and effi ciently as if we
used a traditional lesson that just shows them how? And will their new spreadsheet
skills transfer to the kinds of spreadsheets they need to develop in their
work roles?”
Sandy is excited about teaching spreadsheet concepts and tasks in a highly
interactive game-type environment, but Matt has some questions. Based on your
own experience or intuition, which of the following options would you select:
A. Sandy is correct. Raised on games, the younger workforce will learn more effectively
from game-type lessons.
B. More participants will complete a game-type course than will complete a traditional
C. Learning by exploration and discovery is more effective than learning by explanations
and traditional practice exercises.
D. Constructing a gaming environment will be more expensive than developing
a traditional course; however, the investment will pay off in higher completion
rates and better transfer of skills.
Chapter 16: Simulations and Games in e-Lear ning 3 7 3
has been a steady increase in the annual dollar sales of computer and video
games, which peaked at $11.7 billion in 2008.
Figure 16.3. Sales of Video and Computer Game Types.
Source: Entertainment Software Association, 2010.
Accessed from www.theesa.com/, September 2010.
Enthusiasts hope to leverage the popularity of entertainment games and
simulations to improve learning outcomes. Some argue that the Millennial
generation, raised on games and simulations, has different neurological
requirements and expectations that demand highly interactive media-intensive
learning environments.
In medical education high-fidelity simulations are recommended
because (1) managed health care has resulted in shorter patient stays
with consequent fewer clinical teaching opportunities than in the past,
(2) patient safety is enhanced when procedures can be learned and practiced
on simulators, (3) new medical procedures such as sigmoidoscopy,
laparoscopy, and robotics involve motor and perceptual skills that can be
effectively practiced via simulators, and (4) deliberate practice involving
repetitive performances leads to improved skills (Issenberg, McGaghie,
Petrusa, Gordon, & Scalese, 2005).
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Instructional games (also called serious games) are popular among some
adult learners. In a review of research on computer simulations used in many
business school settings, Anderson and Lawton (2009) found that, with a
few exceptions, learners prefer simulation exercises more than either lectures
or case discussions. Not all games, however, are equally embraced. In a survey
evaluation of two games designed for new hire orientation, Carson (2009)
attributed a relatively low participation in the game to usability issues and
perceived lack of relevance.
Given that at least some games and simulations are highly popular with
a sizable population segment, what evidence do we have about their instructional
effectiveness and effi ciency? Will a simulation or game result in higher
e-learning completion rates compared to standard tutorials? Will learning
be faster? Will learners feel more positive about the instructional experience
as well as about the knowledge and skills learned? Do the Millennials benefi
t more from games than from traditional training methods? What is the
cost/benefi t of simulations and games? How can you tell an effective game
or simulation from an ineffective one? Our goal in this chapter is to look
beyond the hyperbole on multimedia games and simulations to see what
controlled evidence tells us about their learning potential.
What Are Simulations and Games?
Suppose you wanted to teach the basics of genetics. You could develop a
structured linear interactive tutorial. Alternatively, you could opt for a more
experiential environment like the genetics simulation in Figure 16.4. In this
simulation, learners can change the genes on the chromosomes and immediately
see how the dragon features are altered. In Figure 16.5, the simulation
has been converted into a game by giving learners a goal to change the lowerleft
dragon to match the one in the upper left.
What Are Simulations?
A simulation is a model of a real-world system. Simulated environments
respond in dynamic and rule-based ways to user responses. For example, in
Chapter 16: Simulations and Games in e-Lear ning 3 7 5
Figure 16.4. Simulation of Laws of Genetics.
From Biologica Project, http://biologica.Concord.org.
Figure 16.5. Game Based on Simulation of Laws of Genetics.
From Biologica Project, http://biologica.Concord.org.
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the genetics simulation in Figure 16.4, when the user changes the h gene on
chromosome 1 to a dominant gene H, horns appear on the dragon, refl ecting
the laws of genetics. De Jong (2011) defi nes computer simulations as “computer
programs that have as their core a computational model of a system or
process. The system or process that is modeled normally has a natural world
origin and the model that is created is usually a simplifi cation of the real
world phenomenon” (p. 446).
There are two basic types of simulations: operational and conceptual.
Operational simulations are designed primarily to teach procedural skills,
whereas conceptual simulations focus on learning of domain-specifi c concepts
and strategic knowledge. In workforce learning, operational simulations
have been used for training of software applications, medical procedures, and
safety-related skills, such as aircraft piloting and industrial control operations.
In contrast, conceptual simulations, such as the one shown in Figure 16.4,
are primarily designed to build far transfer knowledge of a specifi c domain
as well as associated inquiry or problem-solving skills. Conceptual simulations
in the educational arena have modeled principles of physics, genetics,
chemistry, botany and ecology, to name a few. In professional and workforce
learning, conceptual simulations have been designed to teach business
management strategies, military combat decision making, bank loan analysis,
medical diagnostics, and equipment troubleshooting, among others.
What Are Games?
From PacMan to Jeopardy to Doom, online games reveal a diverse array of
formats and features. In Table 16.1 we summarize some of the major genres
of commercial online video games. If you don’t agree with our categories,
you are probably correct, as games are in a constant state of evolution and
many could be classifi ed as hybrids of two or more of these classes. Mayer
and Johnson (2010) list four common features of games: (1) rule-based,
allowing players to understand the environment, (2) responsive, allowing
the learner to experience control, (3) challenging, and (4) cumulative
so that the current state of the environment refl ects the player’s previous
actions and shows progress toward goals. In contrast to most games built
for entertainment, educational games are designed to help learners achieve
Chapter 16: Simulations and Games in e-Lear ning 3 7 7
Table 16.1. Some Genres of Video Games.
Based on Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_genres September 6, 2010
Genre Description Examples
Action Use quick refl exes, accuracy,
and timing to overcome obstacles.
Often emphasis on combat.
Pong, Street Fighter,
Donkey Kong
Shooter Combat with projectile weapons
such as guns and missiles
Doom, Halo Series,
Call of Duty: Modern
Warfare Series,
Space Invaders
Action-Adventure Focus on exploration and usually
involve item gathering, simple
puzzle solving, and combat.
Adventure Myst,
Resident Evil 4
Role Play Assume role of one or more
“adventurers” who specialize in
specifi c skill sets while progressing
through a predetermined storyline.
Final Fantasy Series,
Grand Theft Auto,
World of Warcraft
Simulation Designed to emulate aspects of a
real or fi ctional reality including
simulations involving construction,
vehicle operations, biology, pet
management, etc.
SimCity, Flight Simulator,
The Sims
Strategy Focus on game play requiring
careful and skillful thinking
and planning in order to
achieve victory
Civilization Series,
Empire Earth, Master
of Orion
Music Challenge the player to follow
sequences of movement or
develop specifi c rhythms.
Guitar Hero,
Rock Band
Sports Emulate playing of
traditional sports
Madden NFL Series
3 7 8 e - L e a r n i n g a n d t h e S c i e n c e o f I n s t r u c t i o n
specifi c learning objectives while at the same time providing a motivational
For example, in Figure 16.6 we show a screen shot from a business management
game. Lemonade Tycoon 2 sets different goals in different modes:
time mode (make as much money as possible in a given time frame) or
money mode (be the fi rst team to attain a set amount of money). Players
control their marketing budget, stock levels, recipes, and prices and make
decisions regarding hiring employees, investing in equipment, and so forth.
The Lemonade Tycoon game involves a simulation. However, not all learning
games incorporate simulations. For example, quiz games such as Jeopardy
are not simulation based.
Figure 16.6. Lemonade Tycoon—A business Simulation Game.
From Ncube, 2010. Reprinted with permission.
Do Games and Simulations Teach?
Yes, simulations and games teach, but the lesson learned is not always
the intended one. For example, Rieber (2005) tested the effectiveness of the
Chapter 16: Simulations and Games in e-Lear ning 3 7 9
simulation shown in Figure 16.7 for teaching physics principles of velocity
and acceleration. The player manipulates the ball’s acceleration by clicking
on the large arrows. To add a motivational element to the simulation,
some participants were given a game goal to earn points by making the ball
fl ip-fl op as many times as possible inside the small box in the center of the
overhead view.
Figure 16.7. The Flip Flop Game Interface.
From Rieber, 2005. Reprinted with permission of Cambridge University Press and L. Rieber.
Participants using the game version reported much higher enjoyment than
those who worked with the simulation without the game goals. However,
when tested on physics principles, the gaming group scored signifi cantly
lower than those who explored the simulation without a game goal! The fl ipfl
op game players focused exclusively on improving their scores and in the
process failed to refl ect on the physics principles underlying the model.
In this experiment, we see that a gaming environment can be a lot of
fun and at the same time depress learning. Why? The game goals generated
behaviors that were antagonistic to the instructional goals. We would classify
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this game in the lower-right quadrant of our Activity Matrix in Figure 16.1.
The game prompted a lot of behavioral activity that did not translate into
the psychological activity needed to achieve the instructional goals.
Games must be designed in ways that promote learning. That way we can
get the best of both worlds—fun and learning! Later in this chapter we will
focus on design guidelines to optimize learning from simulations and games.
What Research (Fails to) Tell Us About Games and Simulations
In the second edition of this book, we summarized reviews of the effectiveness
of games and simulations, concluding that better quality research studies
were needed. For example, Gosen and Washbush (2004) reported that of
155 studies reviewed, not one met all of the criteria for sound research.
Six years later, we don’t see major changes among the reviews scholars
have published on simulations and games. For example, in 2008, Hannafi n
and Vermillion note: “Games are very motivating and have tremendous
potential in education, but despite a rapidly growing research base, there is
yet insuffi cient evidence to draw defi nitive conclusions” (p. 215). In a review
of computer-based business simulations, Anderson and Lawton (2009) draw
three main conclusions: (1) students like business simulation exercises more
than either lectures or case discussion, (2) there is little correlation between
learner ratings of the simulation and actual performance in the simulation,
and (3) there is little objective evidence for the relative educational merits
of simulations versus case studies or lectures. Specifi cally, they observe: “We
have continued to be very disappointed with how little we can objectively
demonstrate regarding what students learn from participating in simulation
exercises” (p. 200). Van Eck (2007) summarizes the challenges facing digital
game-based learning: “We do not yet have the theoretical and research base
we need to establish guidelines for practice, and, while we have everyone’s
attention now, we do not yet know what to say”(p. 31).
Fortunately, the most recent research has refocused the general question:
“Are games and simulations effective ? to ask “What features of games and
simulations lead to learning ?” Mayer (2011b) calls this research perspective a
value-added approach. In a value-added study, different versions of a game or
simulation are tested and conclusions drawn regarding how to design games
Chapter 16: Simulations and Games in e-Lear ning 3 8 1
and simulations that are both motivating and educational. For example, we
summarized research in Chapter 9 showing better learning from a botany
game when the script was conversational using fi rst and second person than
when the language was more formal (See Figures 9.6 and 9.7).
In the remainder of this chapter we review the following evidence-based
principles to maximize the learning potential of games and simulations:
Principle 1: Match game types to learning goals
Principle 2: Make learning essential to game progress
Principle 3: Build in proven instructional strategies
Principle 4: Build in guidance and structure
Principle 5: Manage complexity
Principle 6: Make relevance salient
Games and Simulations Principle 1: Match Game
Types to Learning Goals
To be effective, the goals, activities, feedback, and interfaces of simulations
and games must align with the desired instructional outcomes. The fl ipfl
op game illustrated in Figure 16.7 included elements that were antagonistic
to the learning objectives. Learning occurred, but it was not the intended
learning. Specifi cally, the rapid-fi re response requirements of the fl ip-fl op
game were counterproductive to the deeper reflection needed to learn
physics principles.
In Table 16.1 we summarized the most common genres of commercial
video games. Which genres are best suited for various learning outcomes? Van
Eck (2007) suggests that “depending on what kinds of skills one wants to foster
in digital game-based learning practice, different forms and styles of games
will be required. Card games, Jeopardy-style games, action games, and adventure
games can all be digital in form, yet each will have its own characteristics
that make it more or less suited to different instructional uses” (p. 41).
Based on evidence to date, we recommend that, for cognitive learning
outcomes, games with time goals that require fast responses are not a good
3 8 2 e - L e a r n i n g a n d t h e S c i e n c e o f I n s t r u c t i o n
match. However, rapid response games may be well suited for skills that must
become automated through extensive drill and practice. Train engineers, for
example, must be able to rapidly identify the meaning of a track signal and
quickly respond. It is easy to see how a gaming environment could make the
drill and practice involved in this skill more fun. We look to future research
to validate the match between game types, game features, and learning.
Games and Simulations Principle 2: Make Learning
Essential to Game Progress
Ensure that game progress and success translate into learning. In other
words, the learning required to succeed in a game should be the same learning
required by your instructional objectives. Belanich, Sibley, and Orvis
(2004) evaluated learning of twenty-one individuals who played the America’s
Army game with questions assessing information presented during the game.
Participants completed four sections of the game, including marksmanship
training, an obstacle course, weapons familiarization, and an operational training
mission. The research team compared learning of information that was
relevant to playing the game with information that did not impact progress
in the game. For example, a relevant question asks: “During basic rifl e marksmanship
qualifying, how many rounds are in a magazine?” In contrast, “What
is written on the lane posts of the obstacle course?” is irrelevant to game progress.
As you can see in Figure 16.8, learning of relevant information was greater
with an effect size of .65, which is moderate. The research team recommends
that “instructional objectives should be integrated into the game’s storyline so
that the training material is relevant to the progression of the game” (p. 17).
Games and Simulations Principle 3: Build
in Proven Instructional Strategies
Throughout this book we have highlighted instructional strategies that
are proven to accelerate learning. We’ve discussed the benefi ts of worked
examples, self-explanation questions, audio narration, explanatory feedback,
pretraining, relevant visuals, and personalization techniques, to name just a
Chapter 16: Simulations and Games in e-Lear ning 3 8 3
few. Rather than start at ground zero, why not integrate these proven features
into games and simulations in ways that maintain their motivational
benefi ts? Mayer (2011b) has summarized a number of multimedia principles
we have reviewed in this book that have proven benefi cial in games with high
effect sizes, including modality, personalization, and pretraining. In this section
we review a sampling of research studies that compared learning from
versions of the same game or simulation environment that varied one or
more of these proven instructional strategies.
Incorporate Explanatory Feedback
Knowledge of results that incorporates guidance is one of the most important
instructional elements in any simulation or game. Feedback was the
single most commonly mentioned success factor among research studies
on the effectiveness of medical simulations (Issenberg, McGaghie, Petrusa,
Gordon, & Scalese, 2005). Feedback may be built into a simulator, provided
by an instructor, or provided in a video replay reviewed after a simulator
session. The source of the feedback is less important than its presence and
quality. Controlled comparisons of different versions of the Design-A-Plant
Figure 16.8. Players Recognized More Game-Relevant Information
Than Game-Irrelevant Information.
Based on data from Belanich, Sibley, and Orvis, 2004.
3 8 4 e - L e a r n i n g a n d t h e S c i e n c e o f I n s t r u c t i o n
and Circuit games summarized in the following paragraphs support the value
of incorporating feedback into games or simulations.
Moreno (2004) evaluated learning and effi ciency of two versions of a
botany game called Design-A-Plant. See Figure 9.9 to review the Design-
A-Plant interface. In Design-A-Plant, learners are given a goal to construct
a plant with the best combinations of roots, leaves, and stems to survive in
planets of different environmental features. The game goal is to design a
plant that succeeds in a specifi c environment. The instructional goal is to
learn how plant features are adaptive to various environmental conditions.
In one version of Design-A-Plant, a learning agent provided explanatory
feedback to learner responses. A comparison version offered only “correct–
incorrect” feedback. In the explanatory feedback version, when the learner
makes a correct selection, the agent confi rms the choice with a statement such
as: “Yes, in a low sunlight environment, a large leaf has more room to make food
by photosynthesis.” For an incorrect choice, the agent responds with a statement
such as: “Hmmmm, your deep roots will not help your plant collect the scarce rain
that is on the surface of the soil.” This feedback is followed by the correct choice.
The explanatory feedback version resulted in better learning and was also
rated as more helpful than the versions that only provided correct or incorrect
feedback. There were no differences in student ratings of motivation or
interest for the two versions. Adding explanations to the feedback improved
learning, but did not detract from the enjoyment of the game.
In a follow-up experiment, Moreno and Mayer (2005) confi rmed these
fi ndings. Learners working with versions that provided explanatory feedback
scored twice as much on a transfer post-test, with an effect size of 1.87,
which is very high.
Mayer and Johnson (2010) compared learning from different versions of
an arcade game designed to teach basic principles of how an electric circuit
works. Learning from a version of the Circuit game with explanatory feedback
improved performance during the game as well as on a transfer test,
with effect sizes of 1.31 and .68, respectively.
Add Self-Explanation Questions
In Chapter 11, we reviewed evidence showing that adding a self-explanation
question to a worked example boosted the instructional benefits of the
Chapter 16: Simulations and Games in e-Lear ning 3 8 5
example. Mayer and Johnson (2010) tested the benefi ts of adding selfexplanation
questions to the Circuit game. In Figure 16.9 you can compare
one screen from the basic game to a screen that added a checklist of explanations
to each game problem. For example, two of the checklist options are:
“If you add a battery in serial, you increase fl ow rate of the current” or “If you
add a battery in parallel with another battery, you do not change the fl ow rate
of the current.” As you can see in Figure 16.10, the game version with the
Figure 16.9. A Screen Shot from the Circuit Game Without and with
Self-Explanation Questions.
From Mayer and Johnson, 2010.
Figure 16.10. Better Learning with Self-Explanation Questions Added to
a Game.
Based on data from Mayer and Johnson, 2010.
Proportion Correct on Transfer Test
SD = Significantly Different
Effect size = 1.03
Game + Self-explanation
Basic Game
3 8 6 e - L e a r n i n g a n d t h e S c i e n c e o f I n s t r u c t i o n
self-explanation checklist improved performance during the game as well as
on a transfer test, with high effect sizes. In a recently published follow-up
study, Johnson and Mayer (2010) replicated the results of their fi rst study,
fi nding that the self-explanation groups achieved scores on a transfer test of
about 74 percent, compared to 53 percent from the game version without
Games and Simulations Principle 4: Build
in Guidance and Structure
Perhaps one of the most important guidelines we can offer is to design
simulations and games that offer structure and learning support. In fact,
much recent research focuses on strategies you can use to guide experiential
learning. Here we review several techniques that have emerged from this
Avoid Discovery Learning
If there is one thing we do know about experiential learning, it’s that pure
discovery learning, whether by an individual alone or with a group, does not
pay off. The assumption that mental activity must be predicated on physical
activity is a teaching fallacy (Mayer, 2004). “Instructional programs evaluated
over the past fi fty years consistently point to the ineffectiveness of pure
discovery. Activity may help promote meaningful learning, but instead of
behavioral activity per se, the kind of activity that really promotes meaningful
learning is cognitive activity” (p. 17).
Judge the value of any simulation or game not on the activity but rather
on the degree to which the activity promotes appropriate cognitive processing.
“Guidance, structure, and focused goals should not be ignored. This
is the consistent and clear lesson of decade after decade of research on the
effects of discovery methods” (Mayer, 2004, p. 17).
We discourage the creation of games and simulations that are highly
exploratory—environments that at best are ineffi cient for learning and at
worst defeat learning completely. One way to mitigate these unintended consequences
is to incorporate guidance into simulations and

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