Rabu, 28 November 2012


Although personalization can be effective in some situations, additional
research is needed to determine when it becomes counterproductive by
being distracting or condescending. Further work also is needed to determine
conditions—if any—under which the visible author technique can be
effective. Perhaps the most exciting application of the personalization principle
involves the design of pedagogical agents, so research is needed to determine
which features of an agent promote learning, such as the role of gesturing, eye
fi xations, and locomotion. In addition, we do not know whether specifi c types
of learners benefi t more than others from the personalization principle. For
example, would there be any differences between novice and experienced learners,
learners who are committed to the content versus learners who are taking
required content, male versus female learners? When it comes to the gender of
the narrator, does the content make a difference? For example, in mathematics,
which is considered a male-dominant domain, a female narrator was more
effective than a male narrator. Finally, research is needed to determine the longterm
effects of personalization, that is, does the effect of conversational style
(or politeness) diminish as students spend more time with the course?

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